Confederacy of Independent Systems Wiki
Pors Tonith
Pors TonithCIS
Officer Info

Pors Tonith



Home World:


Physical description




Eye Color:



Over 2 Meters

Skin Color:

Pasty Yellow

Chronological and political information


"You should become a politician."
"I'm already a banker, and that's much more vile.
―Dooku & Pors Tonith[src]

Pors Tonith was a Muun admiral in the service of the Confederate Navy and "favored minion" of Dooku.


A member of the Tonith family, he had originally been a financier in the InterGalactic Banking Cln before entering the service of the Confederacy of Independent Systems as a military commander.

He was the leader of the Separatist force attacking Praesitlyn, a vital communications center for Coruscant and several other of the Core Worlds.

Tonith landed a massive force that quickly overwhelmed the local defenses. The planet remained in Separatist hands until a counterattack by the reinforced Republic forces, led by Jedi Generals Anakin Skywalker and Halcyon.

Although he showed a high degree of tactical ablity (destroying the planet's garrison by engaging it with an advanced force before landing the main body of his troops behind them, catching them between his two contingents and almost completely wiping them out), Tonith was too proud of his own skills as a Confederate military commander and believed sincerely in his position as Head of State Dooku's "favored minion".

Despite his tactical genius, he showed somewhat less finesse in dealing with a force of Sons and Daughters of Freedom, overrunning their position through sheer weight of numbers, though it should be noted that he was directly ordered to do so by Dooku—an order which he protested against at the time. Although this attack caused his forces to take severe casualties, he was nevertheless able to effectively face the clone trooper counterattack, using a mobile reserve of tank droids, and underground bunkers to shield his droids from artillery.

Admiral Tonith was eventually captured by Skywalker in an assault which, by all rights, should have been suicidal, after the Muun prepared to eliminate his hostages.

Personality and traits[]

Pors Tonith had a fondness for Dianogan tea. His frequent use of it left him with stained teeth.

External Link[]

Wookieepedia Logo Pors Tonith on Wookieepedia

See Also[]

CIS Officers

Kirst · Pors Tonith · Trench


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